Organ and tissue donation is a selfless gift which touches so many lives

Anyone has the potential to save a life – all it takes is registering as an organ and tissue donor.

It is a simple, easy, 3-step process that identifies you as a potential organ and tissue donor on the South African Organ Donor Registry.

What to do before you register


It is important that you are fully informed about organ and tissue donation before you register. You can find everything you need to know about tissue donation by visiting

The Organ Donor Foundation (ODF) has an informative website about organ donation which you can find at

Talk to us. If you have any questions about becoming an organ and tissue donor, please contact any of our donor coordinators who will answer your questions and assist you with the process.  We are available 24/7/365 on +27 87 068 8000.

Talk to your family

The decision to donate is a deeply personal one. Different people have different views on the subject, and it is important to discuss your desire to donate, with your family.

Emma and Sandra Venter, Awareness & Recovery Manager, Vitanova

When you pass away, your family will be asked to consent to organ and tissue donation even though you are a registered organ and tissue donor. A donation without the family’s consent will unfortunately not be possible. If they are not clear on your views on donation or your wish to donate, making this decision during an emotional time can be distressing.

Have an open and honest discussion with your family, explain your decision to them and ask them to say ‘yes’ to donation, when you are no longer able to.


When you are ready to register, log on to You will find the REGISTER AS A DONOR button at the top of the home page or you can click here

Complete the following fields:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • South African ID number
  • A contact number where you can be reached (landline or cellular)
  • Your email address

Tick the box to consent to the POPI disclaimer and click the green SUBMIT button.

Once the ODF receives your form, one of their dedicated call centre agents will contact you to complete the registration process. They will also be able to answer any questions you may have.

You will receive a registration pack, containing a welcome letter, your donor ID card, an information brochure, and stickers approximately two weeks after you register.
Stick the stickers onto your driver’s licence card, as well as your SA ID card or ID book. This helps first responders identify you as a potential organ and tissue donor when you can’t tell them.

What do I do after registration?

Live your best life! Feel proud that you made a decision that can help countless others in the future.

And tell people about your brave decision. The more conversations we start about organ and tissue donation, the more people will become informed about the issue. They will hopefully register and spread the word and many more patients will get the life-saving donations they need.

Use every opportunity to celebrate with all the grateful organ and tissue donation recipients! They are living their best lives because someone just like you chose to help more than 65 people with a single action.

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