In 2019, the unthinkable happened. In a split second, 9 year-old Jerano Jacobus, went from a happy little boy to an orphaned burn victim, fighting for his life.

Jerano’s home in Oudthoorn was set alight and he had severe burns over 46% of his body.  He was airlifted to the burn unit at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital where he underwent emergency treatment.  Recovery from burn wounds is a painful and long process.

Dr Gary Dos Passos, head of the burns unit says that patients treated with donated human skin recover faster with less scarring. There is an ongoing scarcity of donated skin.  Jerano was lucky. Donor skin was available and he received a transplant. He survived.

Today, Jerano has recovered and is a lively active 11 year-old. He has found a loving foster home with his former nurse’s family – the Robyn family. Although he was left with a slight limp and facial scarring after the trauma, everyone he comes into contact with describes him as a little shining light.

You can help children like Jerano, by registering as an organ and tissue donor and having conversations about tissue donation.  To register as a tissue and organ donor, please click on the button below and complete the simple registration form.

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